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Albany County Republican & Conservative Conference Agenda 



Conservative Legislator Chris Smith Announces Measure to 

Show Support for Veterans in the Capital District

ALBANY, NY – Albany County Legislator Chris Smith (C-R, East Berne) today introduced a resolution that would designate Albany a “Purple Heart County.” Legislator Smith announced the measure to give thanks and gratitude to veterans in the Capital District.


“Serving in the United States Army was the honor of a lifetime. The men and women who put the uniform on every day to protect our country deserve eternal gratitude – especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while in the line of duty. By designating Albany a ‘Purple Heart County,’ we will join numerous communities across the state in honoring and thanking these brave veterans for their service. It is my hope that this resolution will garner the full support of the County Legislature, and be passed into law with haste,” said County Legislator Smith.


The Purple Heart, awarded to service members killed or wounded in action, is the oldest active military award in the United States. Numerous localities in New York State have designated themselves “Purple Heart Entities” to honor the courageous recipients of the medal. These counties, towns, villages and other communities are part of what is known as the “Purple Heart Trail,” which stretches across the entire country.


The resolution has the full support of the Republican and Conservative Conference in the Albany County Legislature. Once adopted, the designation will be a show of support and appreciation for Purple Heart recipients in our County.

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