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Albany County Republican & Conservative Conference Agenda 



Out-Of-Touch Measure Proposed by NYS Assembly Majority would Create New 8 Percent Sales Tax on Netflix, Hulu, and Other Popular Streaming Apps


ALBANY, NY – Legislative Minority Leader Frank Mauriello, County Legislator Zach Collins, and the Albany County Republican & Conservative Conference today unanimously voiced their opposition to a recently proposed state sales tax on streaming services. The out-of-touch measure, sponsored by members of the State Assembly Majority, would create a new 8 percent sales tax on popular streaming apps such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, and HBO Max.


“The idea of a brand new sales tax on streaming services is ludicrous. State taxes are already too high. The price of everything is going up every day. Albany County residents dealing with a state-inflicted cost-of-living crisis cannot afford another tax. I call on our state lawmakers to withdraw their out-of-touch streaming tax, and I ask my colleagues at the county level to join us in voicing opposition to this tone-deaf proposal,” said Minority Leader Frank Mauriello.


“Just when you thought Albany politicians had run out of things to tax, add Netflix and Hulu to the list. The price of food and electricity keeps increasing in my district. State lawmakers should be working to reduce the burden on hardworking New Yorkers, yet they are more focused on making ‘Yellowstone’ and ‘The Mandalorian’ their next cash cow for New York City subways. Overtaxation by the state continues to negatively affect the residents in my district and across the county. It’s time to cut the cord on this proposal and just say no to Albany’s streaming tax,” said Zach Collins, County Legislator for District 37.


According to an article in the Albany Times-Union, “the overall 8 percent tax would apply not only to TV but also to music, audiobooks, podcasts, games and other digital products that are “electronically or digitally delivered, streamed or accessed.””


In addition, “revenue raised from the tax…would be directed to transit systems…with most of the money benefiting the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in New York City.”


Members of the New York State Assembly Majority, who introduced the proposal last week, are advocating for inclusion of the new streaming services tax in the Final State Budget.

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