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Albany County Republican & Conservative Conference Agenda 



At Full Legislative Meeting, GOP Legislators Vote to Advance Resolution Supporting Brave First Responders, and Help Improve Efforts to Recruit and Retain Volunteers

ALBANY, NY – The Albany County Republican & Conservative Conference tonight voted ‘yes’ on a measure supporting our courageous first responders in the Capital District. The bill will provide a 10% County property tax exemption for eligible active volunteer firefighters and EMS workers, and help improve efforts to recruit and retain these brave men and women in uniform.


“I was proud to vote yes tonight on a resolution supporting our brave volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers in Albany County. A property tax exemption will go a long way toward recruiting and retaining these first responders in the Capital Region. I thank County Executive Dan McCoy for introducing this bipartisan measure, and my colleagues for working quickly to pass it. Most of all, thank you to our firefighters and EMS workers for their service every day,” said Minority Leader Frank A. Mauriello, District 27.


“Supporting our firefighters and EMS workers is an issue that rises above politics. These courageous volunteers put themselves in harm’s way every day, and any way we can assist in their recruitment and retention efforts will save our communities millions. Recruiting and retaining first responders remains a top priority for myself and the Republican and Conservative Conference, whether it’s through tax exemptions or other initiatives,” said Deputy Minority Leader Paul J. Burgdorf, District 23.


“I am proud to have voted yes on this resolution supporting our brave first responders. As a retired member of the Colonie Police Department, I know firsthand that a strong volunteer fire and EMS force is critical to public safety. We have made great progress over the last several weeks and months, and we are now at the one-yard line. Thank you to all of my colleagues for their bipartisan support of this critical proposal,” said County Legislator Patrice Lockart, District 26.


Earlier this year, the Albany County Republican and Conservative Conference announced its support for the legislation, which provides a 10% County property tax exemption for eligible active volunteer fire and EMS personnel. The Conference voiced its support in legislative meetings, hearings and now before the full legislature. This measure is a bipartisan one and has the full support of County Executive Daniel McCoy and other members of the Albany County Legislature.

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